Test our model with free and unlimited access to our API

The server is set to allow requests from all origings. The following code can be used to fetch requests to our api:

import requests

url = 'https://detector-api.azurewebsites.net/predict'
payload = {
    'text': 'your text here'

response = requests.post(url, json=payload)
data = response.json()

Example Response:

  "features": {
    "bigram_prevalence": 4902.165029907491,
    "confidence_level": "absolute certainty",
    "false_positive_rate": 0,
    "fourgram_prevalence": 1821.4250804817539,
    "length": 412,
    "message": "The detector is absolutely certain the text was written by AI, and has never made a mistake at this level of confidence.",
    "paragraph_std": 2.6457513110645907,
    "prevalence": 2374.352525984791,
    "sentence_std": 3.806520721078502,
    "trigram_prevalence": 3532.2597308884924
  "prediction": 1.0,
  "classification": "AI"

For more details, refer to the detection method.